From Script to Screen; Introduction, Mind Maps

For this project, we were given a character, a place and an item and were asked to create a script, a storyboard, an animatic with audio and a Pre-Visualization animation. I got a magician, a museum and a battery.

Phil asked us to create a mind map for each of the three choices we had and another one for any association that they had with each other.

Truth be told, I found it really hard to find an association between a magician, a museum and a battery, hence my fourth mind up is poor.

Mind Maps by on Scribd


  1. Hey Sandy - I think maybe you're thinking too tightly about your 4th map... really you're just being asked to imagine/identify ways in which they might associate: for example, your 'magician' might be desperate to be included in the great 'Museum Of Magic' (rather like the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame... )... so, a battery, at its simplest, is a portable power source - so you could argue that a 'crystal of wonder' could be the goal of two rival magicians looking to control the world or... Really, you're just being asked to come up with lots of ideas how they 'might' relate to each other... not how they 'do' relate to each other. I like what you've established here... but just go further and 'what if?' things a bit more.

    The other trick for moving your thoughts onwards is to change up your presumptions: you're presuming your magician is 'a person', but for example, you could decide to set your story in a completely different story-world - so for example, you could argue that 'fire flies' are the 'magicians' of the insect world, because they can create 'fire' or in 'lizard land', you might expect chameleons to be the 'wizards' of their world because they can change their appearance; your magician might be a person, but they might be a crap magician who does children's parties... I think there's more interesting stuff to think about here and it will begin by moving past your immediate associations with your three components.


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